FEG Hungary

The legendary ancestor
of the FEG Arms and Machine Manufacturing Company Ltd. was entered into the registry of economic associations under the name
Arms and Machine Manufacturing Co. (Fegyver és Gépgyártó Rt.) on the day 24 February 1891.
In Hungary, this was the day of commencement of large-scale manufacturing of arms.
The range of profile of the company includes, in addition to its main activity the production of arms, the special-purpose machines, tool machines and tools required for the production of arms.
The production of Diesel engines started in 1899, when the Hungarian engineers Oszkár Epperlein (2nd Director of FEG) and Jenő Böszörményi purchased the patent rights of Diesel engines for the FEG company from his collaborator Rudolf Diesel.
On the threshold of World War I., changes due to the growing demand for arms production did not overshadow products with which the factory was also competitive. It is fair to say that, in addition to weapons, these products have helped to establish the reputation of the factory and have earned respect for the workers of the Weapons and Machinery Factory around the world. After all, Diesel engines, machine tools, various mass goods have reached England, Austria, France, Greece, Germany, Russia and Spain, as well as the American continent (North, Central and South America), Australia, Africa, China and Japan.
The company acquired world-wide renown by the Frommer-type repeater pistols then they started the fabrication of various types of hunting and sporting weapons. In the European championship of 1929 held in Stockholm, the hunting rifles of the FEG company were the first among the products of the large gun-makers of the world.
In the period of World War II. in addition to providing the supplies of the Hungarian Army, the factory manufactured large volumes of war weaponry also for export demands.
Following the end of the World War, the range of products of the company included the Kalashnikov-system assault rifles, light machine guns, sniper rifles and, in their progressively widening selection of types pistols and shotguns, hunting and air rifles. In the sixties and seventies, the products of the company became gradually more and more popular in the domestic and foreign markets.
The plant reached the markets of developed industrial countries with the Monte Carlo double-barrelled shotgun, and in 1971, the 100,000th Monte Carlo model was produced. Also in 1971, on the occasion of the World Hunting Exhibition, the managers of the factory held substantive discussions with 60 foreign business partners and specialist companies, several of whom later became good cooperating partners. It was then that FEG presented for the first time a full range of sporting and hunting weapons to its business partners, which they could also take over during the negotiations. By the time of the World Hunting Exhibition, the FEG initiative was realized, according to which Hungary also became a member of the 1921 Brussels Convention.
During the past more than a century the name and the manufacturing profile of the company was changed several times, however, they have always retained the production of arms as their main activity. In addition to the arms products, a new business range, the production of various size of steel castings was established, which was taken place according to the ISO-9002 TÜV Quality Assurance system.
In 1990, as the aftermath of the Eastern-block collapse the legendary FEG dissolved to subcompanies. In the following period, the FEG subsidiary companies was operated by various successors with more or less success until 2014.
As the HVAC divisions regards; the plant was started to manufacture water heaters and gas-industry automatics beyond the firearms in 1965, and a new division was established. Consequently, the plant changed her name to Arms and Gas Equipment Factory (Fegyver- és Gázkészülékgyár).
Nowadays the MPF FÉG and VARA FÉG represents this Independent Divisions, and manufactures FEG convectors, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) products.
The MPF Industry Groups is the largest heating device manufacturer in East-Central Europe, is a market leader in several product categories. Customers encounter the FEG name from Europe to North America.
The highly recognizable brand and the most successful weapon systems is the basis upon which FEG Defense Systems Ltd. (FÉG Védelmi Rendszerek Zrt.) has been re-established in 2016 and is positioning itself in this unique market. In the occasion of 130 years history jubilees, the management-board decided to return to the originally established company name: FÉG Fegyver és Gépgyártó Zrt. (FEG Arms and Machine Manufacturing Company Ltd.)
Our mission is to recommence firearm production based on modern manufacturing technologies. We aim to establish a modern production plant equipped with the best available technologies, and following modern international standards, and quality management standards for the serial production of weaponry.
Our Management is entirely new and independent from the previous FEG organizations. We have managed to build a young motivated and innovative team and acquiring critical know-how to be able to consistently and innovatively sustain the brand, and reforging the future of FEG Arms and Machines.
Owned by all FÉG Licenses, and Know-How, we have an excellent platform to Research & Development & Innovation, and –technologize of new weapon-systems, elements and accessories.
We are positioning ourself in an increasingly high demand market. Our products are based on the original FÉG technical specification, -updated to 21st century expectations, and marked with “Made in Hungary” and original registered FÉG logo as EU product. As Original Equipment Manufacturer FÉG is in a position to deliver new products that meet all technical and statutory requirements.
In the past 133 years the initials of the company – FÉG – has become a key element of the history of Hungarian industry. They also represent a factory and a profession of a successful past which has justified in its history that its products are the creative work of masters of the crafts which acquired renown not only in the domestic markets but also in several countries of the world.
The strict manufacturing processes and high-quality product lines made FEG a significant contributor to the industrial development of the historical Hungary. Long lifetime, reliable operation and functionality are the values of the FEG products nowadays as well.